Reproductive Health, Fertility & Pregnancy Acupuncture
Unexplained infertility
IVF support
Low ovarian reserve
Recurring miscarriage
Fallopian Tube & endometrial lining
Sperm motility and mobility
Pain during pregnancy
Routine pre-labor acupuncture
Helping families to have healthy pregnancies and babies has been a primary focus of Chinese Medicine for over 3,000 years. Orlando Acupuncture has helped hundreds of patients on their fertility journey over the last 20 years. Our staff has specialized training and clinical experience in treating pregnancy, fertility, and a variety of women’s health conditions.
The Optimal Fertility Program
Life Fertility BioTherapy® at Orlando Acupuncture can make the difference you need to get pregnant whether you are trying to conceive naturally, using fertility medications, or assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF or IUI.
Life Fertility BioTherapy® is an international fertility program that has been used for the past two decades with a proven record of fertility success. LIFE has not only helped couples and individuals from all over the globe build their families, it has also ensured a healthy pregnancy, prepares the body for labor, and improves postpartum recovery.
Fertility specialists across the United States are now recommending acupuncture to their patients as standard evidence-based practice. Life Fertility BioTherapy® combines the best of evidence-based acupuncture methods into a comprehensive treatment plan that is customized for every patient.
Could not be more pleased
Best decision I've made in a while. They take the time to listen and tweak whats needed when necessary. Could not be more pleased with both Dr. Barnett and Dr. Arnez. I highly recommend Orlando Acupuncture. If in doubt atleast go for a consultation and see if its a good fit. You'll be glad you did.
Melanie THow Acupuncture helps Fertility
The miraculous results from Acupuncture for fertility have been studied extensively in recent years.
Research show that acupuncture has a positive effect on fertility for two main reasons. The first reason is that acupuncture can improve ovulation by modulating the central and peripheral nervous systems, the neuroendocrine and endocrine systems. This means that acupuncture can change the levels of hormones and functioning of the nerve signals in the body.
These changes mean that ovulation is healthier and more regular with improved egg quality.
The other reason that acupuncture helps fertility and to support fertility treatments such as IVF and IUI is that it has been shown to improve blood flow to the uterus, oxygenating the endometrial lining, and providing a more receptive environment for the fertilized egg to attach. A BMJ study of over 1,000 women found that acupuncture with IVF improved the odds of pregnancy by 65% with no significant adverse events reported.
For men, reducing stress with treatments like acupuncture can improve both the sperm quantity and vitality. This increases the chance of the sperm reaching the egg, and once there to fertilize it. This is especially important given the recent research about the “plunging fertility” in men.
When should acupuncture treatment for fertility begin?
Acupuncture therapy is similar to working out or physical therapy in that it takes multiple sessions over a period of time to produce results. Patients are commonly treated for three to four months before an insemination, in vitro fertilization (IVF), or donor-egg transfer. This period of treatment has been shown to have a significant therapeutic effect.
For patients working on fertility without IUI or IVF a minimum course of care of 6 months is recommended to see results.
Our Services
Orlando Acupuncture offers a wide selection of therapies and treatments